Montly planning

In this section you have access to monthly planning of the underlying strategy of XIC. It is only about the approach of the investments based on the historical back test, in no case can it be taken as a forecast of the results of the future trading activity to be carried out during the month. Deviations from the approach are certain and impossible to limit. Past returns or historical back-tests in no way guarantee future returns.

Operational planning September 2023

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Nivel crítico y parada de operaciones

 Critical level and stop operations

To further increase transparency in management for third parties, we publish the critical shutdown level of operations for each month. This level is the maximum DD (99% confidence) of the Montecarlo test with 10,000 simulations, in this month it is -4,23%. At that level, all operations would be closed and all systems would be reviewed to verify and correct the origin of the deviation. It would not be operated again until the following month. Already working, a robot that will automatically close all open operations to the market and stop the portfolio.

Riesgo mensual por divisa / Monthly risk by currency

Ratios mensuales (backtest) / Monthly ratios (backtest)

During September 2023, 18 systems are activated that work with 11 different pairs. 11% of the systems operate in D1, 33% in H4, 39% in H1 and 17% in M30 . All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 13 different indicators for the 18 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

We are ready!!!

Operational planning August 2023

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Nivel crítico y parada de operaciones

 Critical level and stop operations

To further increase transparency in management for third parties, we publish the critical shutdown level of operations for each month. This level is the maximum DD (99% confidence) of the Montecarlo test with 10,000 simulations, in this month it is -4,43%. At that level, all operations would be closed and all systems would be reviewed to verify and correct the origin of the deviation. It would not be operated again until the following month. Already working, a robot that will automatically close all open operations to the market and stop the portfolio.

Riesgo mensual por divisa / Monthly risk by currency

Ratios mensuales (backtest) / Monthly ratios (backtest)

During August 2023, 21 systems are activated that work with 15 different pairs. 4% of the systems operate in D1, 25% in H4, 55% in H1 and 15% in M30 . All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 15 different indicators for the 21 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

We are ready!!!

Operational planning July 2023

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Nivel crítico y parada de operaciones

 Critical level and stop operations

To further increase transparency in management for third parties, we publish the critical shutdown level of operations for each month. This level is the maximum DD (99% confidence) of the Montecarlo test with 10,000 simulations, in this month it is -4,43%. At that level, all operations would be closed and all systems would be reviewed to verify and correct the origin of the deviation. It would not be operated again until the following month. Already working, a robot that will automatically close all open operations to the market and stop the portfolio.

Riesgo mensual por divisa / Monthly risk by currency

Ratios mensuales (backtest) / Monthly ratios (backtest)

During July 2023, 21 systems are activated that work with 15 different pairs. 4% of the systems operate in D1, 25% in H4, 55% in H1 and 15% in M30 . All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 15 different indicators for the 21 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

We are ready!!!

Operational planning June 2023

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Nivel crítico y parada de operaciones

 Critical level and stop operations

To further increase transparency in management for third parties, we publish the critical shutdown level of operations for each month. This level is the maximum DD (99% confidence) of the Montecarlo test with 10,000 simulations, in this month it is -4,68%. At that level, all operations would be closed and all systems would be reviewed to verify and correct the origin of the deviation. It would not be operated again until the following month. Already working, a robot that will automatically close all open operations to the market and stop the portfolio.

Riesgo mensual por divisa / Monthly risk by currency

Ratios mensuales (backtest) / Monthly ratios (backtest)

During June 2023, 19 systems are activated that work with 16 different pairs. 16% of the systems operate in H4, 58% in H1 and 26% in M30 . All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 15 different indicators for the 19 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

We are ready!!!

Operational planning May 2023

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Nivel crítico y parada de operaciones

 Critical level and stop operations

To further increase transparency in management for third parties, we publish the critical shutdown level of operations for each month. This level is the maximum DD (99% confidence) of the Montecarlo test with 10,000 simulations, in this month it is -4,47%. At that level, all operations would be closed and all systems would be reviewed to verify and correct the origin of the deviation. It would not be operated again until the following month. Already working, a robot that will automatically close all open operations to the market and stop the portfolio.

Riesgo mensual por divisa / Monthly risk by currency

Ratios mensuales (backtest) / Monthly ratios (backtest)

During May 2023, 18 systems are activated that work with 14 different pairs. 50% of the systems operate in H4, 33% in H1 and 17% in M30 . All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 14 different indicators for the 18 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

We are ready!!!

Operational planning April 2023

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Nivel crítico y parada de operaciones

 Critical level and stop operations

To further increase transparency in management for third parties, we publish the critical shutdown level of operations for each month. This level is the maximum DD (99% confidence) of the Montecarlo test with 10,000 simulations, in this month it is -5,04%. At that level, all operations would be closed and all systems would be reviewed to verify and correct the origin of the deviation. It would not be operated again until the following month. Already working, a robot that will automatically close all open operations to the market and stop the portfolio.

Riesgo mensual por divisa / Monthly risk by currency

Ratios mensuales (backtest) / Monthly ratios (backtest)

During April 2023, 20 systems are activated that work with 12 different pairs. 30% of the systems operate in H4, 50% in H1 and 20% in M30 . All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 16 different indicators for the 20 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

Operational planning March 2023

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Nivel crítico y parada de operaciones

 Critical level and stop operations

To further increase transparency in management for third parties, we publish the critical shutdown level of operations for each month. This level is the maximum DD (99% confidence) of the Montecarlo test with 10,000 simulations, in March 2023 it is -3.57%. At that level, all operations would be closed and all systems would be reviewed to verify and correct the origin of the deviation. It would not be operated again until the following month. Already working, a robot that will automatically close all open operations to the market and stop the portfolio.

Riesgo mensual por divisa / Monthly risk by currency

Ratios mensuales (backtest) / Monthly ratios (backtest)

During March 2023, 22 systems are activated that work with 17 different pairs. 9% of the systems operate in D1, 36% in H4, 36% in H1 and 18% in M30 . All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 18 different indicators for the 22 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

We are ready!!!

Operational planning February 2023

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Nivel crítico y parada de operaciones

 Critical level and stop operations

To further increase transparency in management for third parties, we publish the critical shutdown level of operations for each month. This level is the maximum DD (99% confidence) of the Montecarlo test with 10,000 simulations, in February 2023 it is -3.44%. At that level, all operations would be closed and all systems would be reviewed to verify and correct the origin of the deviation. It would not be operated again until the following month. Already working, a robot that will automatically close all open operations to the market and stop the portfolio.

Riesgo mensual por divisa / Monthly risk by currency

Ratios mensuales (backtest) / Monthly ratios (backtest)

During February 2023, 24 systems are activated that work with 21 different pairs. 13% of the systems operate in D1, 79% in H4, 4% in H1 and 4% in M30 . All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 22 different indicators for the 24 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

We are ready!!!

Operational planning January 2023

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Nivel crítico y parada de operaciones

 Critical level and stop operations

To further increase transparency in management for third parties, we publish the critical shutdown level of operations for each month. This level is the maximum DD (99% confidence) of the Montecarlo test with 10,000 simulations, in January 2023 it is -3.44%. At that level, all operations would be closed and all systems would be reviewed to verify and correct the origin of the deviation. It would not be operated again until the following month. Already working, a robot that will automatically close all open operations to the market and stop the portfolio.

During January 2023, 24 systems are activated that work with 21 different pairs. 79% of the systems operate in H4, 13% in D1, 4% in H1 and 4% in M30. All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 22 different indicators for the 24 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

We are ready!!!

Operational planning December 2022

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Nivel crítico y parada de operaciones

 Critical level and stop operations

To further increase transparency in management for third parties, we publish the critical shutdown level of operations for each month. This level is the maximum DD (99% confidence) of the Montecarlo test with 10,000 simulations, in December 2022 it is -3.07%. At that level, all operations would be closed and all systems would be reviewed to verify and correct the origin of the deviation. It would not be operated again until the following month. Already in the test phase, a robot that will automatically close all open operations to the market and stop the portfolio.

During December 2022, 24 systems are activated that work with 21 different pairs. 87% of the systems operate in H4 and 13% in D1. All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 22 different indicators for the 24 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

We are ready!!!

Operational planning November 2022

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Nivel crítico y parada de operaciones

 Critical level and stop operations

To further increase transparency in management for third parties, we publish the critical shutdown level of operations for each month. This level is the maximum DD (99% confidence) of the Montecarlo test with 10,000 simulations, in November it is -3.13%. At that level, all operations would be closed and all systems would be reviewed to verify and correct the origin of the deviation. It would not be operated again until the following month. Already in the test phase, a robot that will automatically close all open operations to the market and stop the portfolio.

Riesgo mensual por divisa / Monthly risk by currency

Ratios mensuales (backtest) / Monthly ratios (backtest)

During November 2022, 21 systems are activated that work with 20 different pairs. 86% of the systems operate in H4 and 14% in D1. All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 19 different indicators for the 21 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

November!!! We are ready!!!

Operational planning October 2022

The planning for the month resulting from the rebalancing of systems and exposure to the different currencies of the portfolio is as follows:

Riesgo mensual por divisa / Monthly risk by currency

Ratios mensuales (backtest) / Monthly ratios (backtest)

During October 2022, 21 systems are activated that work with 18 different pairs. 67% of the systems operate in H4 and 33% in D1. All systems work with 1 or maximum 2 indicators. In total we used 17 different indicators for the 21 systems.

Sistemas automáticos por par y timeframe  Automated systems by pair and timeframe

Tipo de Stop Loss y Take Profit

 Type of Stop Loss and Take Profit

Indicadores de entrada y de salida

Entry and exit indicators

Análisis de correlación  histórica para sistemas activos / Correlation analysis history for active systems

Portafolio Montecarlo  

We are ready!!!

Atención / Attention